お陰様でレーベルを初め5年が経過しました。(正式な日にちを失念してますがInstagramのレーベルアカウントの最初の投稿日が2019年5月7日でしたのでその日としておこうと思います) これもご参加いただいたアーティストの皆さま、ご支援いただいたファンの方々のお陰様です。心より御礼申し上げます。
周年イベントの計画も無いし、だけど折角の5周年なので本日より5/15までの期間 5,000円以上お買上げ(レーベル商品/新譜や中古も全て) のお客様へ画像のレーベル記念トートバッグ(LP入るサイズです) を1枚進呈します。(但しお取り置きとご予約品は除外とさせて頂きます)お買い上げがレーベルやショップ運営の糧となりますので是非です(汗)
2024年5月*blue-very label*
Thanks to all of you, 5 years have passed since we started the label.
We would like to thank all the artists who participated and the fans who supported us.
I sincerely thank you.
So far, we have produced 42 works in the five years since 2019. The average number of titles per year was over eight. Although I received support from artists and others, it took a considerable amount of time and effort to balance the label and shop management on my own. Of course, it is very fulfilling, but in the future I would like to be able to produce it a little more slowly.
Actually, we were thinking of holding a label event to commemorate our 1st anniversary, but due to the pandemic, we were forced to cancel the event, and as the event dragged on for a long time, it became difficult to run the shop/label in Koenji, so we moved to Kamakura in
September last year to make a fresh start. , I hope to continue to do so in a relaxed manner.
However, since it’s our 5th anniversary, customers who make a purchase of 5,000 yen or more between today and May 15th (all label products/new albums and used items) will receive one label commemorative tote bag (sized to hold an LP) as shown in the image. I will present it to you. https://blue-verylabel.bandcamp.com/
In addition, we will release information on the release of the new product at 12 noon on Wednesday, May 15th, one week later. I hope you’re looking forward to it too.
Thank you for your continued support of blue-very label and disques blue-very.
May 2024 *blue-very label* K.Nakamura